Operations serialization

This page describes the operation options.

Every operation necessary has _name and _type parameters. The rest of operation parameters depends on its type.


- _name: arbitrary operation name
_type: conv2d # fixed string
kernel_size: 3 # size of convolution kernel
input_channels: 3 # number of input feature channels
output_channels: 16 # number of output feature channels
stride: 2 # stride (defaults to 1)
padding: valid # paddling, string, "valid" or "same" (defaults to "valid")
use_bias: true # bias addition, "true" or "false" (defaults to "true")
groups: 1 # number of groups for grouped convolution (defaults to 1)
activation: default # activation function

For activation functions see Activation functions serialization.


- _name: arbitrary operation name
_type: dense # fixed string
use_bias: true # bias addition, "true" or "false"


- _name: arbitrary operation name
_type: image_sampler # fixed string
output_width: 224 # resulting image width in pixels
output_height: 224 # resulting image width in pixels
center_crop: true # center crop enabled, "true" or "false" (defaults to "true")
linear_interp: true # linear interpolation of input pixels enabled, "true" or "false" (defaults to "true")


- _name: arbitrary operation name
_type: pooling2d # fixed string
operator: max # "max" or "average"
size: 3 # pooling size
stride: 2 # stride (defaults to 1)
padding: valid # paddling, string, "valid" or "same" (defaults to "valid")


Softmax operation has no parameters (except its name and the type).

- _name: arbitrary operation name
_type: softmax # fixed string